Have Ordered Your Tickets?

The clock is ticking; before you know it, August 18, 2023, will be here. The deadline for ordering tickets is August 4, 2023.



  1. Mary (K0lb) Borchardt

    Hi everyone. Quick question about food at the reunion, there is no dinner correct ? It mentions generous orderves and drinks. I am not certain what that means.
    Not complaining at all, I appreciate everything the committee is doing believe me
    But just want to understand what to expect to come prepared for the evening. I am looking forward to a fun night and know you have worked hard to make it memorable.
    Thanks again

  2. Mary,
    Not sure your question was ever answered. But here you go. We are have “heavy appetizers”. NO sit down dinner. There will be plenty to choose from throughout the night. No one will go home hungry! And we have cake. See you there.
    Liz Casper

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